
2009 Season Opening Events for the SMCC women!

Greetings women riders!

Tuesday, April 14th, the women of Southern Maine Cycling Club (SMCC) will be starting the season with a Tire Changing Clinic and Group Riding and Safety 101 class from 5:30-7pm at the Gorham Bike & Fitness shop - located on Main Street in Saco (cost is free!). This is an informational night in the shop – so no need to bring your bike! Even if you can't make it until 6pm, please join us then! Whether you are new to riding, haven’t been riding long or just want a refresher, this will be a great event for you! In addition to covering rules of the road, group riding information and safety, we’ll also cover what to put in your under-seat bag and what to wear for the most comfort on the bike. We hope you will attend this meeting so our first group ride we won’t have to spend time reviewing these things, but can spend the time on our bikes! If you cannot attend but want to, please drop me an email so I can make sure to review some things with you before our first ride on the road. John, from the shop, has graciously agreed to give the tire changing demo. I hear he likes chocolate chop cookies if anyone wants to bring a thank-you gift for him :)

Our first official ride of the season is Tuesday, April 21st at 5:30pm. The ride will eventually change to 6pm as the days get longer. I highly suggest you get out on your bike at least twice before our ride on April 21st – for yourself, and also out of respect for the others who have been riding the past month. This will serve many purposes – 1st It will let you know if your bike needs to be tuned-up or repaired so you have time to get it into the shop before the 21st. 2nd It will give your some saddle time to help your body be ready to bike in a group setting. The first few times you’re out on your bike can feel a little unsteady as your body acclimates to riding, looking over your shoulder for cars, bum gets used to the seat, neck & shoulders getting used to holding up your head, etc. 3rd It will be safer for the group if you have ridden a few times already because you will be faster, know your shifting better and won’t be as teetery (squirrely) on the bike which translates into less risk for injury for yourself and the other riders.

This year, we will have 2 rides, (both are no-drop rides). A “no-drop ride” does not mean we go slow enough not to drop anyone – it just means we will have periodic stops along the way to regroup.

The B ride will be for women only and will average 14-15 mph. Distance will start at about 16 miles and will increase as the season goes along. Our route for April and May is as follows (we'll change the route each month or so): In the past we have said bring any type of bike, (road, hybrid, mountain) but you are going to be more comfortable, safer and faster if you are on a road bike. If you do not have a road bike, contact me and we can see about finding you a road bike. (FYI - Cape Able bike shop in Kennebunkport rents road bikes – you may want to rent for a few weeks to see if this is something you are going to pursue long-term). If you do not feel you are able to ride at 15 mph for 16 miles, I would suggest riding more often during the week to work up to this speed and distance and challenge yourself. If you need more suggestions on how to get stronger or to ride faster, you may want to look into hiring a coach. Dave Pelese is a certified cycling coach if you would like a email him about a training program or for more information.

The A ride will be co-ed. Pace will be 19 mph. Distance around 30 miles – and more as the days get longer. Route changes weekly. Even if you feel like you might not ride at 19 mph (yet), I highly recommend challenging yourself by joining this ride so you get stronger and eventually you’ll be able to hang on for the entire ride. Last year this ride was really fast, but the racers are no longer riding in this ride. This ride is supposed to be slower than the Saturday morning ride from Gorham Bike in Portland. I hope this encourages you to come out and try this one!

Become a Member! We hope you will considering joining the SMCC club (annual dues are only $20) if you are riding in our group rides. This membership will give you access to great discounts on bikes, clothing and accessories, plus you can purchase our sweet pink clothing when it arrives this spring! Here is a club membership form you can print out and mail with a check into the shop.

Looking forward to next week! Should be FUN!!!!
See you on April 14th!

Happy riding,

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