
6/16 Ride

The weather forecast for the next few days is "showers" but hopefully they'll move through the area quickly and we'll have clear skies and clear roads for our special ride Tuesday night. Here's a rundown of our rides Tuesday night...

Co-ed fastest group (20+ mph) meets at 6pm
Womens A and Womens B (usually meets at 6pm, too, but this week it's 5:30pm) for a ride along the coast and around Kennebunkport. 25 miles. Look forward to seeing everyone there!

Happy riding,
p.s. Just a reminder 6/23 is the Summer Solstice Ride and potluck BBQ. If anyone has ideas on the route for that night - drop a comment on the blog or send me an email - we're open to suggestions. Don't forget to invite your family to the BBQ afterwards!

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