
6/9 Ride Update and UPCOMING EVENTS!

Hi gals,
Tonight's ride was pretty much rained out. Hope everyone get out for a run, biked on their trainer, hit to the gym - or all 3!

6/16 Next Tuesday....BIG PLANS!!! Both A and B rides leave at 5:30pm for a loop around Kennebunkport. Approx 25 miles. Very scenic - bring your CAMERA! Hope to see you there! If we have any B riders who are uncertain about the distance, please email me and we can discuss another route. Should we stop for ice cream along the way or after?

6/23 Annual Summer Solstice Ride and BBQ at the Saco Shop. We will have to decide where we want to bike as we celebrate the longest day of the year - hallalujah! SMCC will provide meat and veggie burgers and you bring a side dish to share. This is a ton of fun. Families welcome to join for the BBQ after the ride - the more the merrier! Don't forget bug spray, too. :)

Happy riding,

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